saleswoman at the cafe or confectionery shop - Lionheart safety
saleswoman at the cafe or confectionery shop - Lionheart safety
Retainers & Support
Retainers & Support
Retainers & Support
Retainers & Support

Retainers and Support

Lionheart works with businesses of all sizes. For smaller businesses Lionheart Safety can act as your nominated external food safety and / or health and safety appointed Person. For ‘SME’ or corporate clients we can provide external support to your in-house Human Resource department or Facilities and Compliance Team.

There is no one size fits all retainer service, each package is developed in discussion with the client to assess their requirements, specific needs and commitment; by agreeing progrees safety either yourself or with  a retainer package you are demonstrating commitment to safety in the eyes of the Local Authority, Fire Authority  or Health and Safety Executive.

They are a financially cost effective way of complying with the law, enabling you to avoid or minimise civil compensation claims, criminal prosecutions and the associated legal costs and lost turnover; not to mention brand damage.

Female Shop Assistant Arrange Pastry In Bakery Shop Window

Retainers and Support

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