End of Life Care

End of life care should be several things, compassionate, cost effective, holistic and effective. There are usually several people involved in the care of people at the end of their life and it can be a difficult process to be part of.

This course will provide you with information about what to expect, how to handle some of the emotions associated with this time and working with the other professionals involved in end of life care.

Target Audience

Anyone working in social care.

Course Aims

This course will provide you with information about what to expect, how to handle some of the emotions associated with this time and working with the other professionals involved in end of life care.


This course has 5 modules –

Course Module


Module Name Pass %


End of LifeCare 1 End Of Life Care 70
End of LifeCare 2 Feelings AndEmotions 70
End of LifeCare 3 Patterns Of Dying 70
End of LifeCare 4 The Dying Process 70
End of LifeCare 5 Support AndAftercare 70


Upon successfully passing the online assessment a certificate approved by CPD

Course Duration

25 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account inany way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

Course fees

£25.00 per licence. Discounts available for 5 or more licences

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